Boys Wearing Dresses To School “OK…” Enforcing Immigration… That’s a Sin?

Ironic that the leader (Rev. Justin Welby) of a schismatic church (Church of England), founded by a man (King Henry VIII), seeking to divorce his wife, has the temerity to be confused as to why Christians in the United State support Donald Trump.

In recent years, prior to his elevation as Archbishop of Canterbury, the church Rev. Welby presides over has been riddled with ever great schisms from within.  Women priests, abortion, homosexual marriage are just a few. All of which the Rev. seems hard-pressed to outright condemn, instead he urges understanding, sympathy and deeper exploration of the scripture.

In an interview for the Christian Institute, Welby commented: “I am having to struggle to be faithful to the tradition, faithful to the scripture, to understand what the call and will of God is in the 21st century and to respond appropriately with an answer for all people – not condemning them, whether I agree with them or not – that covers both sides of the argument. He acknowledges dodging the question as to whether or not he thinks gay marriage is a sin.

It seems there is little Rev. Welby will outright say is wrong, except of course President Trump and his supporters. Gay marriage, female priests, abortion are all up for discussion and serious consideration, enforcing immigration… that’s a sin.

Rev. Welby has also stated that he believes:  Female ordination and sexuality are surface issues. The root of the problem lies in different views on Scripture and tradition Rev. Welby thinks real progress will come from understanding scripture.  “We have no Anglican Pope. Our authority as a church is dispersed, and is ultimately found in Scripture, properly interpreted,”.       That is the fundamental problem with any church outside of the Catholic Church, they have NO AUTHORITY

Rather than proclaiming the Christian truth on these issues, Rev. Welby is more concerned with attempting to making the Christian church fit into modern times. His focus is on ecumenism. Ecumenism is usually shorthand for —what tradition can we do away with.  When asked about a boy wearing a dress to school Rev. Welby said: “not a problem” and he seems perfectly OK with not interfering.   I for one am totally perplexed by Rev. Welby, exactly how much scripture do you have to research to know that abortion and gay marriage are a sin?


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