Why Trump Held Up The Bible

On June 1st after addressing the nation concerning the ongoing rioting and looting that was happening across America, the Main Stream Media had a hissy fit over President Trump walking over to Saint John’s Church and holding up a Bible. Many Christians missed the significance of exactly what Trump did. Why? Because Satan’s greatest work is in convincing us he doesn’t exist. Satan is the father of lies” (John 8:44). He lies using deception rather than bold-face falsehoods. Those would be too obvious. He “is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). Therefore, he hates “the Spirit of truth,” and he hates God the Father from whom the Spirit proceeds (John 15:26). He hates the Son of God, who is truth (John 14:6). And he hates the word of God because God’s “word is truth” (John 17:17).

It is worth reminding ourselves that the specific focus of Satan’s blinding work is the Gospel. That is, his focus is on our reading—or hearing—the heart of the message of the Christian Scriptures. Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers, and many believers alike, to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ.

Satan is more than happy for people to believe a thousand facts, or go to church every Sunday as long as they are blind to “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.”

Jesus (Matt. 13:19), Paul (2 Cor. 4:3–4), and John (1 John 5:19) warn us that Satan is a great enemy of Bible reading that sees what is really there. In other words, read and memorize your Bible just do not internalize its message.

Ironically, many Christians the world over are consumed with reminding us of Trump’s transgressions. It is almost as if they are blinded and do not understand that the entire message of the Bible is one of conversion. Conversion is available for everyone who wants it. It makes you wonder if they have ever read the Bible especially the Gospel of Matthew;

Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove that splinter from your eye,’ while the wooden beam is in your eye? You hypocrite,* remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye. Matthew Chapter 7: 1-5

In the centuries-old Christian rite of exorcism, both the Cross and the Bible are used to drive out demons. As radio commentator Rush Limbaugh astutely noted, when Trump “held up the Bible, it’s like showing Dracula the cross.” Satan hates the Bible.

President Trump might be one of the only people to understand the evil we are facing fully. While many other supposed experts are pontificating on what new laws need to be passed as if a government will change the heart of people, Trump, whether you like him or not, is trying to root out the evil that has engulfed much of our nation.

It has become clear that most of the so-called “protests” that quickly turn into rioting and looting are well orchestrated and are being funded by far-left anti-American radical groups. Almost on queue from Satan himself, the MSM continues to act as if these are organic uprisings and mostly peaceful. They are not.  Protestors do not pull people from their vehicles and beat them to a pulp. Protestors do not burn down buildings. Protestors do not burn down Churches. Satan does, and he convinces you that it is just. Politicians and media reporters that try to justify this form of evil are themselves evil.

For the last five-plus decades, we have been pandered to by well-spoken politicians, who blow smoke campaign time, and nothing changes. Each passing year they do nothing but divide us further by pitting the rich against the poor, male against female, and one color against another color. I am sure many might be well-intentioned, but as my mother used to say, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

To be clear, Trump is a flawed man, just as I am, just as you are, and just as many of the men depicted in the Bible were. Here again, politicians and the media, like Satan, try to divide us. Telling us that even though Trump has kept many of his promises, appointing conservative Supreme Court justices, fighting for religious liberty, and adopting pro-life policies, Christians can not support him because of his past and continuing transgressions. Ironically many Christians go as far as saying,

I hate Trump, he is not a real Christian.

I do not know of any President who was beyond reproach, nor do I expect ever to have one. What we should all hope for is a President that restores us our God-given liberties and religious freedom that this country was founded on. I will remind the Christian and others who seem insistent on pointing out Trump’s character flaws, that even St. Paul prayed, “why do I do the things I know I shouldn’t and not the things I should” and that St. Augustine was a serial womanizer for years.

Holding up the Bible in front of the Church that Satan tried to burn down was a message to Satan. Christians should recognize that instead of judging the person who did it.


When will we listen? The real problem plaguing America is the family.


Follow The Science – Fatherlessness

Fatherlessness is one of the most recognized phenomenons in all of social science literature, yet it is one of the least discussed in the media and popular culture.




  1. Pingback: Why This Archbishop Wrote A Letter To President Trump | Why Catholic

  2. If you read further in the Gospel of Matthew, you’ll find he advocates for us to use our powers of discernment on false prophets. Based on his past actions, one could easily discern this action was not everything you say it was.

  3. what does the false satanic religious cult of Roman catholicism know about the Bible? They don’t hold to it, read it, follow it or believe it? What does it know of the gospel? They don’t teach it, instead choosing to teach a number of means and methods of salvation other than the correct and ONLY way. There’s ONE way to salvation, BELIEF ON CHRIST AND HIM ALONE BY FAITH AND FAITH ALONE, for which true believers thank and praise God. God made it so easy that even a child can’t miss it yet there’s these people who are so blind and brainwashed they can’t see past their noses. It’s so sad and when they stand before the great white throne in judgment they can’t even plead ignorance. Their blood is on their own hands having made their own choice to walk through the gates of hell straight into the lake of fire

    • Obviously you know nothing about the Catholic Faith. You must know that every other Christian Church is a spin off of the Catholic Church which Jesus founded. You must know that the Catholics originally compiled the Bible and that the Mass of the Catholic Church is taken directly from the Bible. If you’ve never been to a Catholic Mass, I invited you to come and see. Yes, we know all about the Bible-the whole thing and that the only way to salvation is through Jesus. Always has been taught, always will be. Peace & Love

    • Dear Dwight,
      In love, you are very much in error, in your assertions.
      May Christ lead you to The Church He founded in Pentecost.

      Peace be With You,Amen.

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