Despite taking the pill, Alyssa Milano had not one but two abortions in 1993, saying it “put her in conflict with her Catholic faith.” She said her life “would be completely lacking all its great joys” had she kept her two aborted children. While she said she “was in love for the first time,” and it was an “overwhelming,” “joyful, exciting, and powerful time in my life.” She explained that she took birth control because “I knew I was not ready to be a parent.”
The Bible tells us repeatedly that all children are a gift from God. Every single life, every single child, is a reward and blessing. Whether they’re bringing parents pride and joy, or whether they are teaching us how to be more patient and forgiving, children are a gift from God and a source for the growth of His Kingdom here on Earth.
Love is life. God loved and created life. Life is a natural byproduct of love. Let’s pray for Alyssa and all others that devil has taken a grasp of; that they may find true love and joy and be set free
God knows that children can bring us closer to Him and help us grow and bring real joy; we become more of ourselves not less Alyssa sorry you don’t understand that and sorry for your loss.